Quick facts about the bamboo plant

Let's take a look at some straight facts about the bamboo plant.

  • Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet. It can grow up to 91 cm (almost 3 feet) in one day.

  • They absorb carbon dioxide and release over 30% more oxygen into the atmosphere compared to an equivalent mass of trees.

  • Bamboo can reach full maturity in 1 to 5 years. Hardwood trees can take 30 to 40 years.

  • It’s a renewable resource. After being harvested, it continues to grow new shoots from its root system.

  • Bamboo will continue to grow new shoots from its root system meaning the roots remain in the soil helping to prevent soil erosion.

  • The tallest recorded bamboo in the tropics was 40m.

  • Bamboo is anti-bacterial – it contains a natural bio-agent known as Bamboo Kun which is naturally anti-bacterial. It is so effective that it eliminates and prevents over 70% of bacteria that attempt to grow

  • It’s also deodorising. Bamboo charcoal is extremely porous and can absorb large quantities of odour causing bacteria, meaning chemical scents are no longer needed. The charcoal can also be used to filter harmful chemicals in water.

  • The bamboo fibre cools people down when it’s hot and it keeps people warm when it’s cold.

  • 110 species of bamboo have edible shoots. These edible bamboo shoots are an excellent source of potassium and fibre and they’re low in fat and calories.

  • Bamboo can survive for more than 120 years in the wild.

  • Bamboo requires no chemicals, pesticides or fertiliser to grow.

  • It’s strong and can be used in construction. The Tensile strength of steel is 24,000 PSI compared to bamboo which is 28,000 PSI.

  • There are approximately 1000 – 1500 species of bamboos.

  • Bamboo fibre is breathable and absorbent.

  • Every part of the bamboo plant can be used, so in effect it’s a zero waste product.